Even though it may be turning to autumn elsewhere, it’s definitely still summer here. The pool is starting to get a little cooler, but there’s still plenty of swimming left on the sunny days. Josie is a complete natural - she loves the water and is very calm and comfortable floating alone with her water wings. Just this weekend, she started floating on her back all by herself, head on the water and everything! I think that she finds it exciting to discover more self-mobility inside the pool than she has out of it. So we are trying to give her as many opportunities as possible before the season ends.
We’ll enjoy it while we still can!
She may be small, but Josie does just fine defending herself against older siblings who have a penchant for getting in her face too often - especially during snack time!
A little hair pulling will get you a long way.
“Hey Mom, this walking thing is no big deal. See? I don’t even need your help anymore!”
“Leavin’ you in the dust! Just try and catch up to me now…”
“Oh dear. Mom? Do you think you could…uhh…give me a hand? I’ve got a situation here…! Mom? Mom?”
Sorry kid. I’m too busy taking pictures of you to help. That’s what you get for being so adorable!
Josie loves music - listening, playing, and dancing to it. Earlier this week she discovered that a keyboard we had upstairs had an “organ” setting where it would play the note for as long as she had her hands pressed on the keys - talk about gratification! The next 15 minutes became a virtuoso “mad organist” performance. Or, since it’s a Blue Man Group keyboard, maybe she’ll just paint herself bright blue next time and call it performance art.
At least she’s wearing blue for her concert - how apropos!
Today’s update is brought to you by guest photograher Maddie. Who multitasked as hairstylist and prop girl for Josie’s daily dose of baby sister torture. Sure is cute though!
I think I can…
…I think I can…
…almost there…
…and…SEE! That pulling up thing is no big deal. Walking, here I come! Watch out everyone!