running with (kid) scissors
reports on the brave, bold and always beautiful Bush girls

September 2009
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Back to School, Redux
Filed under: General
Posted by: mommy @ 8:24 pm

Finally today it was Sophie’s turn to go back to school. She’s been trekking back and forth from Maddie’s elementary school for the last two weeks, so at least now she gets a drive to preschool for all that waking up early.

“Wait just a sec mom, my favorite program’s almost over!” Did I mention earlier that TV is like crack for this kid?

“What the…shoes with ties? MOOOOOMMMMY!!!”

Soph has the same teacher Maddie had last year, so when we walked in to the classroom I felt like *I’d* been the one held back! Sophie picked out “Little Miss Sunshine” to wear on her first day, an apt sign of the year to come (or, maybe an ironic one — time will tell, ha ha).

Uh, Soph…it’s a little early to be copying your neighbor’s work already!

Oh, that’s better. Except the last time I checked your name didn’t start with “T”. Oh well. Hope the other kid figured it out!

“Doing great, Daddy! Hope you’re seeing lots of polar bears - come home soon!!”

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Juggling Heads
Filed under: General
Posted by: mommy @ 7:54 pm

Here’s a drawing from Maddie’s class, where they were asked, “Where would you run if you were the Gingerbread Man?” Her answer - China. Now, for her artist’s statement:

“So, the two doors together in the middle are the hotel doors where you and Daddy stayed. One is for my China, and the other for Sophie’s China. We’re on the side playing with those spinny things that go above cribs. And all the little squares are windows (like you’d see on the outside of a hotel).”

Whoa. Bet that’s a deeper story than usual for kindergaten. When Maddie first explained that it was China, I asked if the people were the nannies juggling lots of babies, but she corrected me.

Someone please tell me why the crib mobiles are made out of heads!?

Filed under: General
Posted by: mommy @ 12:00 pm

There is definitely something up with these two. Up there on the favorite things list is to tell secrets at the table, usually during meals. Besides the fact that it’s a little impolite, since when did secrets become necessary? Next thing you know, someone is going to be hiding a piercing or a tattoo. Wait, I didn’t say that out loud…

We’re almost all back to school; Sophie starts next week with the same teachers Maddie had last year. She’s going to have a blast. Meanwhile, Maddie is cruising along, loving every day she is at kindergarten. She told us she finally started playing on the playground (she was a wallflower the first week or so), and that it’s very easy so far. But before I forget, back to the subject of secrets…

MADDIE (very excited voice): Mom, we were doing centers in class and we got to do something really fun in one of the other teachers’ rooms.

ME: Really? What did you get to do?

MADDIE (matter-of-factly): I don’t need to tell you that.

Note to self. Stop. Feeding. My. Children. I knew I didn’t want them to grow up.

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