There is definitely something up with these two. Up there on the favorite things list is to tell secrets at the table, usually during meals. Besides the fact that it’s a little impolite, since when did secrets become necessary? Next thing you know, someone is going to be hiding a piercing or a tattoo. Wait, I didn’t say that out loud…
We’re almost all back to school; Sophie starts next week with the same teachers Maddie had last year. She’s going to have a blast. Meanwhile, Maddie is cruising along, loving every day she is at kindergarten. She told us she finally started playing on the playground (she was a wallflower the first week or so), and that it’s very easy so far. But before I forget, back to the subject of secrets…
MADDIE (very excited voice): Mom, we were doing centers in class and we got to do something really fun in one of the other teachers’ rooms.
ME: Really? What did you get to do?
MADDIE (matter-of-factly): I don’t need to tell you that.
Note to self. Stop. Feeding. My. Children. I knew I didn’t want them to grow up.