Poor Big Baby. Josie just smothers her with love…and now food. Never mind that she also drops Big Baby on her head and sits on her. But then again…Mad and Soph have done that to Josie a few times…hmm….
That Josie. Only she can rock a look like this.
I think she looks like some weird 8-eyed bug!
And trust me, baby doesn’t need a microphone. She’s got some great pipes all on her own!
So, my Mother’s Day card from Sophie started with something like, “On Mother’s Day, it’s your chance to act like a queen.” Here’s the inside:
Andy swears she picked it out herself. Besides how totally sweet her note is, I especially like the drawing. Now, is this of me? Or of her someday in the future??
We celebrated Sophie’s 5th Gotcha Day on Monday (how time flies!). For the occasion, we all agreed we would write her a poem (her other choice was that we all had to change the words from any nursery song to be about her Gotcha Day. Mad already is claiming that for her Gotcha Day in August).
I ended up with a pretty poor limerick (it ended with “your gotcha day makes us feel warm and fluffy”), Andy contributed a very witty haiku, and even Maddie wrote some free verse, which Sophie said was her favorite. Josie got a pass this time, but she’ll need to step up next year!