Sorry it’s been so long since the last post…busy busy! But never fear, Sophie’s here to give you a cheer, all decked out in her Naval Academy outfit.
2…4…6….um, what’s next?
She’ll cheer for whatever you ask, she’s not picky. Especially if she’s cheering for herself.
“Yay, ME!”
Which reminds me of another story….Maddie was working on some homework where she had to write things about herself. Among the questions was “Who do you admire the most?”. So we decided to put the question to our youngest…
ME: “So, Soph, who do you admire the most?”
SOPHIE: “Me!!!”
ME: “Really? You admire yourself the most?”
SOPHIE: “Yes, Mommy! Every day in the mirror!”
(Well, she is right on that one…)