I’m always amazed at what I pick up going to preschool with the girls — Maddie especially has learned all sorts of things like how to power a light bulb with a battery and tin foil, how to make ice cream from scratch, and right after spring break, she gets to build a space station! One of the homework “bags” that goes home with the kids is a ”Letter Bag” where you have to fill up the bag with objects that start with the letter they’re studying that week. We always seem to get the tricky ones - like “U” (what do you put in after an umbrella?), and a few weeks ago, “Y”. Maddie loves to fill the bag up to the brim, and because we didn’t have any “yo-yo’s” or “yellow yaks”, I turned in desperation to Google Images for things to print flashcards of. This little grump is too cute. Wonder what the class thought of that one!
I always thought a yeti was a little wrinkled guy in a robe. Or maybe that’s Yoda. Darn! Didn’t think of that one either!