We’re having a bit more luck getting the new little miss to smile for the camera. Each day, she just gets more comfortable with everyone, and what we’ve discovered is that she’s a natural comedian. We haven’t figured out how to capture it yet, but lately at dinner she’s been doing this funny googly-eyed shuddering face that she knows will make everyone at the table laugh, and she’ll keep doing it until she cracks herself up! And we thought Sophie was a natural performer…Looks like we may have two in the family (and Maddie will dress them. Starting to sound a little like Destiny’s Child.). So not only is Josie settling in, but we get free stand-up (or is that “sit-down”) comedy as a bonus!
She’s also gradually becoming more active - sitting up more, starting to realize that she can move herself instead of being carried around everywhere. I’m loving that she’s become fond of this little rocking horse, which is just her size and actually is Andy’s from when he was a little bitty one like her.
And of course, she also likes her music - and treating us to her own Phillip Glass impression. Quite abstract, but the cuteness makes it all better. Looking forward to what each new day brings!
August 12th, 2010 at 12:33 pm I can only imagine what is going on in her little mind. It must be stimulus overload. Like being a Disneyland everyday and figuring out this is your new home.