A couple of weekends ago both Maddie and Sophie spent an entire Saturday at a Girl Scout camping event, with their respective Daisy troops (the littlest Girl Scouts). They enjoyed it so much more than I even expected, and it was a great experience doing things they don’t usually get to do.
Perhaps we have a future horse whisperer in the family!
Someone is NOT working very hard rowing here. Then again, I wasn’t either, since I was taking the picture.
OK, so maybe toasting pigs-in-a-blanket over the campfire wasn’t THAT fun. All the little girls seemed to be getting a bit scorched themselves here.
Hey mom! Can we do this again soon sometime???
February 8th, 2011 at 9:36 am This picture has a “special” quality about it. I can’t quite describe what that quality is. I just know it’s good. Contentment? Like a buddhist.
February 11th, 2011 at 1:19 pm At the first sight of this picture, somehow Sophie in somewhere looks like you. Don’t you think so? She is getting charming and attractive.