It’s that rare time in Houston where the weather is warm but not humid, the mosquitos are still at bay and the yellow cakes of pollen have mostly blown out. That means for about 2 weeks, we all head out to spend our time outside and forget about what’s ahead of us for the rest of the summer!
Josie’s latched on to the idea of outside snacks. She’s loving the novelty of being able to stand up with her food!
And, as you can see, she’s warming up to the camera. Finally!
But then, the call of the snacks prevails. Did we mention that her favorite food is whatever is on someone ELSE’s plate?
“Hey! I thought you were going to share!”
Don’t you worry. Josie will get Soph back by pushing her right into the pool.
Ha! See? Got it back, no problem. Personally I like the necklace and sunglasses action here. She looks like she should be tooling around the city on a pearl pink Vespa.
AAARGH! Poor Josie’s legs are just a little too short still to make the tricycle go. But it’s not for lack of trying! It’ll happen soon enough - and then we’ll really have a hard time keeping up with her!